Heart Element

Be the Change

Elle Taylor

Sovereignty Embodiment Coach

Guiding you to your power within

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Zanzibar 2023



Elle Taylor

Sovereignty Embodiment Coach

I guide my clients to awaken the energetics of their innate supreme power and authority to create a purpose-led life in alignment with their true authentic selves. Everything needed is within, it’s just about connecting with that power.

I have a natural ability to overcome adversity, with a proven track record in my real-life experiences. I have woven that together with over a decade's worth of research, my teachings span an array of self-mastery and self-evolution topics such as energetics, how the mind and body communicate and how to bring them into coherence and the subconscious mind and how to rewire it.

I will teach you how to embody my philosophy, E.W.O.P (Everything’s Working Out Perfectly) it has the power to swiftly enable a shift in perception that leads to self-evolution.

Allow me to help you become unshakable, you are here to have a magical human experience, let’s make it happen!

Elle x



2 - 8 OCTOBER 2023



IT'S OFFICIAL... I'm extremely proud and excited to announce that I've been accepted as an Executive Contributor for Brainz Magazine!!! Over the coming months, I'll be writing regular articles about the mechanics of self-mastery and self-evolution for Brainz readers to enjoy. I'll be sure to share them with you all here too, so watch this space!

Brainz Magazine is a fast-growing global digital publication covering Business, Lifestyle, Mindset, Sustainability, and Leadership topics. The editorial teams have a strong understanding of what their readers are interested in, and the magazine reaches over 300,000 people every week, spanning over 65 countries!

Brainz Magazine is known for inviting top entrepreneurs, small and medium-sized companies, scientists, and influential leaders to contribute to the magazine, which they hand-pick for their expertise. As you can imagine, it's a huge honor to have the opportunity to publish my expertise online on a regular basis, and I'm delighted to be joining them!

Brainz Magazine publishes influential articles that inspire, educate, or motivate its readers - you can take a look here: www.brainzmagazine.com

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The sovereignty mindset emphasises the awareness of the value and autonomy of your natural life force energy.


DISINTEGRATING fear and harnessing power

Imagine possessing the self-determination to exercise your innate supreme power and authority across your life in all that you do, minus the limitation of your mind, or the interference of social conditioning or external forces and influences.

In exercising your sovereignty and living from that power comes responsibility, you must recognise the same life force energy runs in everyone and everything.

You will be growth mindset orientated and when challenges arise focused on finding win-win solutions.

When integrated and you have FULLY embodied the energetics of your sovereignty the byproduct is to hold the ability to manifest whatever you desire into your reality which corresponds with your true authentic self. Exciting!

When you harness this alignment and connection with yourself, you benefit from a tidal wave of liberated energy to create your life from a HIGHER VERSION of you.




Hello Conscious Soul,

Packages are bespoke and designed based on my findings during your 60-minute consultation call.

My coaching methodology is an evergreen, one-time investment. You may want to follow up with some accountability and alignment sessions but essentially, once you know you know! Your responsibility is to consistently maintain the integration until it becomes a complete way of life for you.

I will teach you all you need to know to awaken and remain aligned with your innate supreme power and authority, in all that you do.

You will gain an understanding of how reality works and how your energetic output is generating your life, so the good news? You have the power to change it! You will get to experience a life that you have deliberately created using your inner power. Nothing outside of you is required, you are the answer you have been waiting for!

We will identify the programs, beliefs and habits that need to be dissolved to liberate you from where you are now and then re-wire them with a more empowering framework that corresponds with the next highest version of you.

Through identity shifting analysis, we will bridge the gap between who you are being now Vs who you want to be. I will teach you how to actively choose to embody that version of you now which collapses the space and time of reality and you’ll begin to draw in those experiences.

I have done this in my own life and the best thing about is I haven't gone out and asked for it, or forced it to happen, my life now has been built on the right opportunities, people and circumstances finding me, There is a saying, and it goes, ‘’I don't chase, I attract.’’ -This is literally how my life unravels now.

Together we will create an implementation action plan that you will need to be dedicated to, then week by week and I will guide you through this transformation and hold you accountable.

Once you understand you are energy and how energy works the last piece to the puzzle is to fully grasp how you have to participate.

You MUST be committed to yourself and your transformation, I will only work with people in that frame of mind. Once you have signed up I will send you a workshop (1 hr 15 mins) you must complete it before your first session as we start by discussing your findings. You will also have the benefit of gaining insight into how I perceive and how my mind works.

I look forward to connecting with the ready and willing!

Your life changes when you decide!

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The Journey

12-Week Live online program that will transform you into a high impact, success-oriented generator

What you will learn...

Experiment to Experience...

This program creates a laboratory setting where you can experiment to experience so that you can shift from believing in what’s possible to knowing it. We will give you our road map, strategy and implementation toolbox which aligns all aspects of who you are, what you think, and how you speak, behave and participate with the very life you are striving for. You will learn as we go how to integrate new perceptions, habits, behaviours and beliefs to ensure sustainable, lasting change.

Green OK tick approval

Work directly with the creators and have access to them in live calls.

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Self-paced weekly

e-learning modules accessed through an online platform.

Green OK tick approval

Develop a tailored integration plan in a 1:1 session with the creators.

What you will learn...

Decorative Golden Key


Gain the tools and learn the modalities to master different experiences, have control over your own avatar independent from the external environment and self-regulate with ease.

Decorative Golden Key

Working with Energetics

The magic sauce for creating high success in all focus areas of your life. Usher in the version of you that already has the experiences that you want to receive.

Decorative Golden Key

Timeless Framework

Imagine what it will feel like next time you are met with a problem nobody can solve and you have a framework that when applied melts all blockers away.

Meet The Creators

Akgush and Elle are personal development and success energetics coaches who have a deep understanding of how scientifically proven spiritual concepts are adopted and applied to human behaviour to help individuals reform their beliefs about self and their capabilities.

Elle has unrecognisably transformed her life multiple times, Her fascination with the mechanics of self-evolution began 14 years ago whilst serving time in an overseas prison half of a 6-year sentence for a drug-related offence. Completely reformed, instead Elle is now serving her purpose guiding her clients to the energetic power within, living her dream close-to-nature life on a tropical Island with her partner and 1-year-old twins. Elle was recently interviewed by BRAINZ Magazine and is now an Executive Contributor.

Read her exclusive interview here.

Akgush started her journey almost 5 years ago when she found herself alone and penniless living on her friend’s couch with seemingly little prospects or hope for her future. Having struggled with lifelong depression after experiencing multiple challenging events in her early years this seemed like the final blow. Determined to thrive, she learnt how to apply the tools and methodologies she teaches in this program which helped her transform her life from feeling like a nobody to a 6 figure earner in her twenties. Now having just entered her 30s, she’s invested over 30K last year alone to deepen her knowledge in her field of expertise with a vision to transform society.

Combined they have hosted online and live events some reaching over 700 people in attendance. Not only are they masters in their field but they are also impactful teachers who bring proven modalities that have been through real-life trial and error for them, their 1:1 clients and corporate companies. What they teach can be applied anywhere, by anyone to drive success and flourish in all desired areas.

What your deep rewiring transformation will look like ...


Adopt a new operating system

Our methodology will install a compass onto your operating system, navigate reality to your advantage and ensure you remain aligned with your sovereignty and your true authentic self in all that you do. You will learn how to follow your joy and spark every moment into passion and magnetic excitement.


Create a magnetic identity

You will learn how to integrate, embody and live from this knowledge, inviting in a more positive, happier and fulfilled human experience that aligns with your truest aspirations and purpose. You’ll become a magnet for positive opportunities and experiences with the ability to materialise your dreams into your reality.


Shift your perception

You will learn to instantly upgrade your perception to one of advantage. We will then guide you through the cultivation, building and expansion of your higher faculties. You will know how to release a tidal wave of aligned life-force energy which will conspire to assist you in manifesting a self-empowered, purpose-led human experience.


Become a reality decoder

We have intrinsically designed a universal reality decoder which makes visible the flow, connection and mechanics of self-evolution. You will pivot yourself into a world of unimaginable opportunity and find that you will break walls that once seemed solid and unmovable.

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Retreat with me in Zanzibar

Be the Change

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Do you need time out

from life to create some much-needed space to figure out what’s next?

Reconnect with yourself,

get into alignment and work with me 1:1 in East Africa’s paradise.

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Perhaps you have a yearning to meet like-minded people and share a magical experience with your potential soul tribe. So

maybe a group retreat is a good get away for you?

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What clients


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I reached out to Elle at a time when my relationships in the business that I co-founded with a group of people started to fail. Due to that the company was also not making enough money. It was clear that I had to move on and allow myself to let go of the company I had so many hopes and dreams for.

Leaving my company meant I had to come to terms with the fact that I would need to find a job. I wanted to do a job that resonated with me and paid me enough. After having had my own company, I felt that I would never find a job that would pay me enough, or that it would be something that I wanted to do. I felt extremely low, not just about my situation but also about myself. I was still holding on to my company while also struggling to find a job, and I had been looking for 4 months when I finally decided to sign up for coaching with Elle.

Elle onboarded me onto her method and guided me through her step-by-step program to help me move past everything that was energetically blocking me from finding a job. I started with her in April, by mid May I had a six figure job offer. Not only that, the job was something I wanted to do and something that actually aligned to the version of myself I wanted to build into in the next 5 years. It has now been 8 months since I started this job, I look back at those 8 months as one of the most incredible times of becoming and growth.

I am really shaping up into the person I had wanted to become but never believed I would ever be. I have so much abundance in my life, I can afford anything I want and I invest in myself ten times more than I ever did before. My income has tripled since I started working with Elle. I have been able to afford holidays I thought I never would be able to. That’s not the only thing that changed. I moved from constantly struggling with imposter syndrome, to shifting into a growth mindset. Everything I do at work now is incredible and I am making an impact that is getting me noticed at the C level. I am so excited for my future and see it as full of potential and opportunity and this is all thanks to Elle, her coaching and her method.

-Akgush Meredova

I had the most amazing coaching session with which has completely transformed my mindset to believing anything that I want can be achieved, relighting my fire and getting me on the right path. She covers the science behind the mind, our thoughts, belief patterns and the knowledge. I’ve learnt about the map of consciousness and how to incorporate it into my daily thoughts will stay with me forever.

I have been sharing the stuff I learnt with all my closest friends. I had an instant reaction to how powerful our session was literally within the space of an hour - straight into my reality!!! Love her energy and everything she stands for. I now fully believe nothing is off limits to me can’t recommend her enough. Thank you Elle! xx

-Donna Hughes

I came across Elle on Instagram, I immediately felt a pull towards her energy and the connection was instantaneous.

Elle is one of the most realest people I have ever come across in my human experience. She’s honest and to the point and does not hold back at all. With her ruthlessness and such a deep sense of compassion, you can trust every single word she says.

When I worked with Elle I felt such a sense of support, that was exactly what I was looking for. On our coaching calls I felt like I was held in a space where anything was possible, and in that exact space I blossomed and gained strength.

Elle’s knowledge is amazing, she taught me so much and her dedication to helping me was something I will never forget.

I’m secretly hoping she will offer a life time course?? Lol

Everyone needs Elle in their life – literally.

-Michelle Charles

Be the Change

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My coaching course with Elle changed my life. I feel emotional while writing this as I remember how low I was at my first session. I was at rock bottom, filled with negativity and so emotional I could hardly get my words out. I had become detached from the world and felt I had no purpose in life. It was lonely and it felt relentless. It’s hard to imagine being that person now.

Elle made me feel comfortable and created a space where I could be myself and speak openly without judgement. I realised very quickly that I’d been talking and thinking so negatively about myself and feeding my brain with the wrong things. I was taught how to calm my mind, how to input positivity every day and how to come from a place of love. I started doing daily affirmations and writing down things that I was grateful for. Consistency, positivity and belief in Elle and the process has changed my world. I very quickly started to change my mind-set which changed my outlook and my life.

I will be forever grateful to Elle for believing in me and teaching me the skills to live a fulfilling and enriched life. There truly is magic to be found in the World and now I have the ability to take the opportunities I would never have even seen before. Thank you xxx

-Ceri Williams

Here it is, from the heart.

When I started the journey, I was in a very low place in terms of relationships, motherhood, and business. I felt like there was a black cloud over my life. I thought 6 sessions wouldn’t be enough to unpack everything. My partner and I were on the path to splitting up, I wasn’t enjoying motherhood and wasn’t making the money I wanted.

After the second session, there was a real physical and mental shift in terms of home and relationship life. I have let go of the baggage that has been weighing me down. My partner and I are better than we have ever been. My energy shift has impacted his. I cannot express how light I feel, I enjoy waking up and getting on with things, and my kids are happier because I am happier.

After week three, there was another shift in terms of work. I have won a spot on a coaching course, I have new clients, and my clients are seeing changes. The knock-on effect to other people of me having had sessions with Elle is unbelievable.

I have had a couple of blips, but am now able to notice these and not get sidetracked.

Elle has opened my eyes to my own power and strength and the tasks she gave me to help shift my perspective and energy were so simple yet transformative. After three weeks of sessions, my life and my energy had changed. I cannot put into words the shift that has happened from this experience. I will be eternally grateful to Elle for basically saving me and my family, and seriously that is not an exaggeration!

-Clare Daly

Elle made me feel completely at ease from the minute I met her. She’s one of those rare people you feel you’ve known forever. As soon as we started the first session the penny dropped and I realised I can heal from the years of trauma and stress which led to PRSD and GAD.

I’d tried everything to heal my thyroid issue and a few weeks after the first session I started to become well again! After 8 years! The manifestations and affirmations are coming thick and fast and I cannot wait to see what’s next!

Elle has shown me so much and given me the tools I need to move forward and I’m truly grateful! Thank you Elle x

-Maria Clark

Before I started my sessions with Elle I really wanted to find another job that better suited me and the direction I wished to go in with my career. My first session was on the 12th of March of this year and by the 29th of April I had been offered a new job!

Elle encouraged and taught me how to use the tools of manifesting and visualisation, by using this I managed to find a job to apply for, got an interview and then a week later I was offered the job!

Before I started my sessions with Elle I felt very stuck and that I was never going to get to where I wanted to be job-wise, she has taught me so much from using affirmations daily, teaching me about the law of vibration, manifesting and how to visualise and make this my reality. I am amazed by the results and overall I feel so much more positive about myself and my life. After each session, she gave me a task to work towards for example I have created a vision board something I never would have thought of previously, and she helps me to turn my dreams into reality.

I felt great after I had a session with her as though I could achieve anything and she is always so supportive! She really has helped me to turn my life around and she is also such a lovely person! I would highly recommend her and her services to anyone!

-Rosie Norton

Allow me to help you unlock your innate

supreme power and authority, to create a life of purpose-led greateness.

You deserve it!

Elle x

Be the Change

Heart Element
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